Smart Mane Thinners & Replacement Blades

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How many horses hate having their manes being pulled? and do we really blame them! This amazing tool – Smart Manes by the Equine Grooming Specialist company Smart Grooming, brings a humane grooming tool to the market which makes thinning thick manes so quick and easy – no back combing. Just brush the mane over on to the “wrong” wide with a normal mane and tail brush, then take the Smart Manes and brush down going through all the thick areas.
Once you have all the thickness thinned out, brush the mane back over and then level out using a thinning knife, or thinning scissors.
The blade width of the Smart Manes is 3″ and the blades are removable/interchangeable so can be replaced when blunt or a different grade is needed.


How many horses hate having their manes being pulled? and do we really blame them! This amazing tool – Smart Manes by the Equine Grooming Specialist company Smart Grooming, brings a humane grooming tool to the market which makes thinning thick manes so quick and easy – no back combing. Just brush the mane over on to the “wrong” wide with a normal mane and tail brush, then take the Smart Manes and brush down going through all the thick areas.
Once you have all the thickness thinned out, brush the mane back over and then level out using a thinning knife, or thinning scissors.
The blade width of the Smart Manes is 3″ and the blades are removable/interchangeable so can be replaced when blunt or a different grade is needed.

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Coarse Tool, Medium Tool, Fine Tool, Coarse Blade, Medium Blade, Fine Blade